Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Year 3 prepare for First Holy Communion!


We are in the throes of preparation to receive the Blessed Sacrament of The Eucharistic Meal for the first time!

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Here are a few reminders as to what is happening over the next few weeks:
Tuesday, 28th April - all of Year 3 will be attending a Retreat Day at Alton Castle as part of our spiritual preparation.  Please can we remind you to send all consent slips and trip money in as soon as possible!
Thursday, 30th April - there will be an important meeting in Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church at 3.15p.m. - it is vital that an adult attends for each child as important information regarding timings and other logistics will be given at this time; we will also receive blessings from either Father David or Father Craig.  Please can we remind you to send confirmation of attendance slips as soon as possible (by 24th April).
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The children commenced their Sacramental Instruction for this most Blessed Sacrament in November, when they made their First Confessions.  They are continuing to prepare within school and we would appreciate your continued support at home.  This can be done by attending weekly mass, upholding the Beatitudes and Gospel Values and helping them practise and prepare in a spiritual way.
You will have received and confirmed your child's individual times for Communion Masses by now.  As you will appreciate, much time goes into the children's preparation (there are 64 children across 3 masses this year!) and indeed we are starting to practise as we speak, to ensure this is a momentous celebration for you all...
Holy Souls School pride ourselves on this most wondrous celebration in our lifelong journey of faith.  Could we please therefore ask that you minimise any absences from school, to ensure smooth running and preparation for all concerned. 
As ever, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to approach a member of Year 3 Staff at the end of the school day.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 30th April - we're getting excited!

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It's Eastertide - Celebrate the Presence of the Risen Christ!

We hope you had a happy and holy Easter.
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As we return to school, we will be focussing on The Celebration of Easter and The Risen Christ.  We will be looking at the stories of The Road to Emmaus and The Breakfast on the Shore.

What do you know about these stories and what do they tell us?

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Jesus reveals himself to his disciples and shares a meal

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Two disciples meet a 'stranger' on the road to Emmaus

Year 3 Summer Term - The BLOG is back up and running!!

Hi Year 3!
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Sorry for the delay in posting on the Blog - as you know, there have been a few technical issues but we are now back up and running again!

Please keep checking back for updates as to what we will be getting up to during our very busy Summer Term!

Thank you for your patience,

love from Miss Wood

Friday 9 January 2015

Year 6 confirmation Enrolment Mass - Sunday 11th January

Sunday 11th January is a special day within the Parish of Scared Heart and Holy Souls.  Not only do we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord...
...Year 6 will also Enrole on the next part of their Journey of Faith - CONFIRMATION

WE ARE ALL INVITED to join our Faith Friends as they embark on the next part of their special journey.

3W assembly - Tuesday, 13th January - PLEASE JOIN US

A reminder that on Tuesday, 13th January, Class 3W will be sharing their whole school assembly.  They will guide us on this Sunday's Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.
ALL PARENTS AND CARERS ARE INVITED to gather in the school hall at 8.40a.m.

The children have prepared and produced this assembly so well - PLEASE JOIN US!

It's a Pantomime - "Oh no it isnt!"

Today we enjoyed the talents of The Bitesize Theatre Company and their production of 'The Golden Voyage of Sinbad'.
I used to love watching Sinbad's adventures on TV when I was younger - does that make me old? "Oh, no you're not", I hear you agree.

Can you remember the story?  What were your favourite parts?

Your homework is to write a recount of your experience of this great pantomime, including super illustrations.

We will share our ideas next week and rewrite the story during literacy.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015!


Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May 2015 be a year of happiness and health. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 6th January!