Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Monday 16 February 2009

Create your own hero again.

I wish I had found this a few weeks ago. Runs in the same way as the marvel site, but has more options.

Here I am. It even gives your hero a name! Have a go at creating your own and put him into your adventure.

Friday 13 February 2009


I cannot stress how important it is to keep reading. After you have read to a grown up can you please write down in one or two sentences the key events from what you have read. This will help with your understanding of the text and make reading more enjoyable.

Half term maths

The usual target work please. Its our times tables this term. Practice upon
your tables here,


Then get mum or dad to test you.
You could always have a go on tutpup.


Remember our code is 4646780

Monday 9 February 2009

Internet Safety Day

February 10th January is world internet safety day. So today is a good time to show what we do with the children to keep them safe and help them to use the internet to help them to learn and become internet literate.

An excellent website is the think you know site,


Here the children are placed into different situations and are asked to decide what to do, giving information on how to stay safe online.

The parents site is here and gives guidance on how to keep children safe while they use technology at home and outside of school.


Thursday 5 February 2009

The Romans internet trail.

Use the BBC site on the Romans to help you to answer the questions in your pack.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the site.


Wednesday 4 February 2009

Paul O Brien Bullying worshop

Today Paul O Brien visited Year 3 and spoke to us about bullying. We collected some words and feelings about bullying, and as Paul is a song writer, he put all of our words into a song about a bully who changes his ways.

The song we wrote together is called "Together we can shine."

Myth legend opening.

Today we planned the opening to our legend. We discussed the setting which we agreed to be New York, and thought about the sights and sounds that the children might come across at night. Then we placed our hero into that setting and tomorrow we will write up the opening paragraph of our story which will lead us into the main part and the meeting with the evil villain.