Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Year 3 continue to Grow and Learn!

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Just a reminder that the Excitement, Wonder and Awe of learning does not just involve our Sacramental Preparation...

We are still continuing our Maths and Literacy work, as well as Science and Topic work.  We have provided some links for you to look at at home so you can keep your skills in all areas in 'TIP-TOP' condition.

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https://www.purplemash.com/sch/ don't forget your personal log-in to this site to access all areas of the curriculum

Let us know if there is anything else you would like to see featured on our BLOG to help your learning - check back here for further updates!

Monday, 4 May 2015

Welcome to our new Princess!

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Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their beautiful Princess -
Charlotte Elizabeth Diana!
We are sure George will be a wonderful big brother!Image result for charlotte elizabeth diana

First Holy Communion - Sunday Celebration Masses

Just to remind you that you are all invited to attend a whole Family and Parish Mass on the Sunday's directly after First Holy Communions.

It is an opportunity for the People of the Parish to Celebrate in this most Blessed Sacrament and for your children to receive their certificates.

We encourage your children to wear their special outfits for this Special Celebration Mass.

Sunday, 10th May, 2015 - 10 a.m.

Sunday, 17th May, 2015 - 10 a.m.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your support and preparation for this most Blessed Sacrament.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

First Holy Communion Meeting - Thank you!

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Thank you all for attending our meeting in church, this afternoon.  I hope we managed to answer any queries you may have had; if there is anything you may need to ask over the next few weeks, please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of Year 3 staff at the end of the school day.

One thing we need to confirm is that professional photos in the school hall will not be available before the 9.30 masses -  I apologise for any confusion I may have caused!

As we stated. the children are preparing well and will be wonderful on the day - please can we encourage you to practise mass responses, prayers and any readings with your children.

We are all very excited as it is now so close!

God Bless,

Miss Wood

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Year 3 First Holy Communion - Alton Castle Retreat Day, 2015!

Today, Year 3 attended their Retreat Day at Alton Castle, in preparation for their First Holy Communion.

We were lucky that the weather was kind (even though it was slightly chilly!), which meant we managed to take part in the many team building tasks outside.

We had a fabulous day and would like to thank Father Craig for joining us, and the group leaders of Alton Castle for making our day so memorable.

We feel blessed to have been prepared for this most Holy Sacrament in such an exciting and spiritual way, and feel ready to Share The Lord's Supper within the next few weeks.

If you would like to find out more about Alton Castle, why not log-on to the link below... you can find out more about what the centre has to offer and take a sneaky peak as to what to expect when you attend your Residential Trip in Year 6!...

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

PE and after school activities

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We continue to provide many opportunities to maintain and improve your child's fitness, within PE lessons and after school activities...
3W are continuing their swimming instruction on Friday afternoons (during school time), until further notice.
3PS will start receiving swimming instruction at a time to be advised, during the summer term.

After school sports clubs

Football - Wednesday 3p.m. - 4.10p.m (£20 for the term)

Basketball - Thursday 3p.m. - 4.10p.m. (no charge)

If anyone would like to join either of these exciting after school activities, please get in touch with Miss Wood.


Year 3 prepare for First Holy Communion!


We are in the throes of preparation to receive the Blessed Sacrament of The Eucharistic Meal for the first time!

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Here are a few reminders as to what is happening over the next few weeks:
Tuesday, 28th April - all of Year 3 will be attending a Retreat Day at Alton Castle as part of our spiritual preparation.  Please can we remind you to send all consent slips and trip money in as soon as possible!
Thursday, 30th April - there will be an important meeting in Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church at 3.15p.m. - it is vital that an adult attends for each child as important information regarding timings and other logistics will be given at this time; we will also receive blessings from either Father David or Father Craig.  Please can we remind you to send confirmation of attendance slips as soon as possible (by 24th April).
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The children commenced their Sacramental Instruction for this most Blessed Sacrament in November, when they made their First Confessions.  They are continuing to prepare within school and we would appreciate your continued support at home.  This can be done by attending weekly mass, upholding the Beatitudes and Gospel Values and helping them practise and prepare in a spiritual way.
You will have received and confirmed your child's individual times for Communion Masses by now.  As you will appreciate, much time goes into the children's preparation (there are 64 children across 3 masses this year!) and indeed we are starting to practise as we speak, to ensure this is a momentous celebration for you all...
Holy Souls School pride ourselves on this most wondrous celebration in our lifelong journey of faith.  Could we please therefore ask that you minimise any absences from school, to ensure smooth running and preparation for all concerned. 
As ever, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to approach a member of Year 3 Staff at the end of the school day.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 30th April - we're getting excited!

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