Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Don't forget our Half Term Targets

 I can find information from sections in a text using simple signposts.
 I can identify and note the main points in a section/text.
 Could I can summarise the main points or facts in a text to find information in response to questions.

 We will be continuing our important work on Connectives.

I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 30, using +, - and x, explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.
 I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 100, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.
 I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 1000, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.


  1. What day do we go back to school on? My mum says Tuesday 11th June but I think its on Tuesday?

  2. We go back to school tomorrow - Monday 11th June.
