Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Monday 13 January 2014

YEAR 3 whole school mass

Well done Year 3, for leading our Whole School Mass on FRIENDSHIP this afternoon - you read very well and acted with reverence.

Friday 10 January 2014


Today 'the theatre came to town' at Holy Souls School.

We all enjoyed a performance of ROBIN HOOD AND BABES IN THE WOOD, delivered to us by the very talented BITESIZE THEATRE COMPANY!
Can you remember enough to retell the story to your grown ups?  
What was your favourite part?

Has the performance inspired to you to become a budding actor or actress?

It's your blog!

We hope you are enjoying our Year 3 blog so far.  We like to post a variety of information and activities for currrent and forthcoming activities and events.

However, if there is anything you would like to see more of, then please leave a comment below and we will do our best to update more of what you want!

Please remember, at times the blog has 'technical problems' - this sometimes means that we don't always receive comments you may have posted.  If you experience any problems with posting comments or with any of the links we provide then please let us know at school.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Class 3W Whole School Assembly

Class 3W will be leading a whole school assembly on Wednesday 15th January - and YOU ARE INVITED!

It would be lovely to see our grown-ups there, as we celebrate The Baptism of Our Lord.  Please make your way round to the school hall as soon as the morning bell goes - your children have prepared and rehearsed well!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

What's new this term?

Welcome back Year 3!  We hope you have enjoyed a Happy and Holy Christmas and are ready for 2014!

Here are a few reminders of what we will be be learning this term...


We will be focusing on multiplication and division - keep practising those times tables and watch out for new strategies to help you with these number operations!

We will be revising rounding and place value.

A little Christmas Robin has told us that some have you may have received watches for christmas - that's great news as we will be doing more work on time!

Later on in the term we will be working on measures including capacity  and  data handling.


We will be completing our work on myths - focusing on  heros and villains  and  writing our own myth.

Remember - homework will focus on our spelling rules for that week - keep prctising your spellings and reading your books - DAILY!


We will be thinking about what makes us good listeners and learning about the story of Samuel.

This will prepare us for how we listen to God's Word and listening the Old and New testaments.


We will be learning about how amazing green plants are.


We will continue with our work on Invaders and Settlers which will prepare us for our work on The Romans and Celts.


We will be learning about dance - HAVE YOU GOT THE RHYTHM?

There are lots more exciting things to come this term!

Happy learning everyone!

Monday 6 January 2014

Epiphany - The Three Wise Men

Today we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany - we think of the journey the Three Wise Men took whilst following the star to Bethlehem to welcome the New King.

Where has your Journey of Faith taken you this Christmas?