Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Thursday 28 November 2013


Holy Souls School has been up to something 'different' today!  It has been a very colourful, sticky and glittery day of preparation.  ADVENT is a time of preparation for the coming of Our Lord - this Sunday marks the First Sunday of Advent. 

Can you remember why we were wearing purple?

We hope you enjoy looking at some of the crafts Year 3 have been making.  You can also log onto the school website to see what the rest of the school has been up to!

Our 'buffet' - what can we do with this?

A selection of our creations,

We made Advent wreaths and candy canes.

What a pretty angel!

Look at how wonderful our creations are!

Who is this character and who will he be helping this year?

Beautiful keepsakes for our trees at home.

'CHRIST BE OUR LIGHT' - we gathered in the hall to turn our Christmas lights on - what important person pressed the switch?

Build Your Wild Self

As part of our Myths work in literacy, we have been creating a mythical creature for our villain!  We used the following web link - have a go and Create your 'Wild Self'!


We will also be using this link to create something festive to take home at the end of term!

Saturday 23 November 2013

First Confessions

Well done to Year 3 and the children of the Parish who made their First Confession this morning. You were very reverent and the prayer service was beautiful.

Sunday 17 November 2013

New Science Topic - Plants

This short video shows how amazing green plants are! We will be finding out all about them over the next few weeks in Science.

Literacy - Myths

This week in literacy we will think about myths. What is a myth? We will look at this website to plan what will happen in our stories.

This week in maths - Fractions

Have a go at the following links to understand what we mean by a fraction.

This link helps us understand what a fraction shows:


These two links helps us to design a flag with different colours:


This game helps us to find fractions of numbers (with some friendly handy hints!!)


Year 3 Enrolment Mass - Well Done!

Well done Everyone! You all read and sang beautifully. It felt very special when you were all standing on the steps in front of the parish!

You can view some pictures of the celebration by clicking on the link below.

Thank you also to the choir, instrumentalists and Mrs Aldred. You were all wonderful!

What a fantastic start the this part of our Faith Journey.  We look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of First Reconciliation next week