Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Following Instructions

Look what we have been making in Year 3. We collected together what we would need to make Chinese Lanterns. We followed the instructions in order. What do you think of what we have made?

Friday 6 January 2012

Coordinates game

This is the game we played in our maths lesson yesterday, as requested by Adam! :-)


Thursday 5 January 2012


On Monday, the Bitesize theatre company will be visiting school and performing Snow White. Do you already know the story?

Next lesson in RE

This week in RE we will be reading and finding out about Samuel, who listened to God's call. What do we learn from this story?

Adding and Subtracting

We will use this game next week...


This is a good link for adding and subtraction games. ( There are also times and divide games!!)

More Fractions

Have a go at the following links to understand what we mean by a fraction...

This link helps us understand what a fraction shows:


These two links helps us to design a flag with different colours:


This game helps us to find fractions of numbers (with some friendly handy hints!!)


Year 3 assemblies

Remember to learn and practice your assembly parts this weekend.
Parents are invited to 3W's assembly on Tuesday 10th January and 3C's assembly on Tuesday 17th January. We look forward to seeing you there!