Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

RE this week

This week in RE, as we prepare for our First Confession we will look at the first part of the Mass. Can you explain what happens?

Shoe Box Appeal

This term, we would like to support Operation Christmas Child as a whole school project. Operation Christmas Child is the UK's largest children's Christmas appeal. Your child will have brought home a letter and leaflet explaining how you can help to support this project. Click onto the link below if you would like further details.


Thursday 6 October 2011

A bit more about teeth!


Take a look at this powerpoint to 'brush up' on your knowledge about our nashers!

Writing a report on teeth

This week in literacy we will be writing a report about teeth. Can you label the kinds of teeth we have?

We will also be having a look at this link to find out information for our report.

Next week in RE

This week in RE we will be talking about Sacraments and what this word means. How many sacraments do you know?

Help with your Timestables

Here are some wonderful sites to help you with your times tables. Remember we are tested regularly on them!
First a great site from Woodlands Primary School in Kenthttp://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/timestable/index.html

This one does exactly what it says on the tin!!http://www.learnyourtables.co.uk/

Another great site is this one where you fly over the solar system solving tables problemshttp://www.brainormous.com/online/loader_multiflyer.html

Finally, we have a site where you can race against children from all over the world.http://www.tutpup.com/

Saturday 1 October 2011

Inspire Workshop - Thursday 6th October

This week is our Inspire workshop.
We will be talking about the transition to Year 3 and the important routines that we have.
We will also be discussing the Sacraments that we will make this year and the important dates that you need to know.
Our Activities will be based around our school writing targets. These links will help us with our Curriculum Targets next half term.

We will be looking at these links - we can not wait to see you all there!

A good starting point to practice capital letters and full stops.

A good site to learn where Capital Letters have to go.

A great site to work out when to use commas:

Miss Cranmer’s group:

