Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Saturday 11 December 2010

This week

We have a very busy and festive week in Year 3. Remember that we light the third pink candle tomorrow which means we can start to get excited!

On Monday, we will be watching Year 5 and 6 production of 'The Late Wise Man' on Monday afternoon.

On Tuesday it is Year 3 and 4 party day.

On Thursday morning we have KS2 awards assembly.

On Friday we have whole school Mass over at Church.

Not to mention those children in the choir who have three performances with Mrs Aldred this week!

Remember to keep reading and that your last homeworks for this term are due in on Tuesday. There will be no spellings set over the holiday!

A bit of festive fun!

A little bit of festive fun - I used to watch this cartoon before Christmas when I was little! What have Tom and Jerry learnt by the end of the cartoon? (Remember not to click on any other links on youtube without checking with a grown up!)

Thursday 9 December 2010

The Shepherds

We will use this video to understand how the shepherds felt at the news of the birth of Jesus.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Some fun puzzles in this chilly weather!

Make your own snowman!

Have a go at these snow flake puzzles!

Getting ready for Christmas

It is our Nativity on Monday evening. Make sure that you are learning your words at home!!

This is a fun link re-telling the nativity story:


Here you can make your own crib scene. In the Advent prayer bags which are going home, there is lots of information about St. Francis and the first crib:


We will be looking at the crib in RE too!


Miss Cranmer's group will be looking at times tables this week. Make sure that you are learning your six times table at home. I have re-typed some helpful links!

Do not forget to keep practising your timestables. Will you meet your target this half term?Easier:http://weddell.sqweebs.com/tables_backwards/tables%20speed%202510.swf


Do not forget the linked division facts too:http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/851/Hitthebuttonv7.swf

This week in RE

This week in RE we will be talking about the Messiah and the Jesse Tree.
Jesse Trees date back to the middle ages. Even some ancient cathedrals have Jesse Tree designs in their stained glass windows.
The idea for a Jesse Tree is inspired from Isaiah 11:1, "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit." (Jesse was the father of King David.)
In Matthew chapter one, the Messiah, Jesus, is traced from the line of King David, and back to Abraham.