Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Friday 5 March 2010

Next week in RE

This week in R.E. we will be starting our First Holy Communion work.
Why do we describe Mass as a celebration?

Maths next week

Next week in maths we will be looking at pictograms and kg and g. These links might help!

We will use this in our lesson:


What does absorbent mean?

Today in our science lesson we looked at what the word absorbent means.

We found out that an absorbent material soaks up water.

We planned and carried out an experiment to compare what material was most absorbent. We used three types of paper – kitchen towel, paper towel and plain paper. We placed each in water (dyed red) for one minute. We then measured which paper soaked up the most water. This photo shows our results. Which is the most absorbent? Why do you think this is?

The Miracle of the Paralysed Man

We have been looking at miracles in our RE. We know that miracles are amazing one-off events.
Today we looked at the miracle of the paralysed man. We acted out the story and imagined we were in the crowd watching what happened. This is the letter that Campbell wrote to Jesus:

Dear Jesus,

I have just seen your amazing miracle where you healed that paralysed man. It was unbelievable. The four men showed lots of faith. They were so resilient that they would never give up. The crowds were crammed. That is why the men had to make a hole in the roof and lower the man down. It was hard for me to believe my eyes when the man was healed. He probably thought that he would never move again. I now think that you are the best thing that has ever happened to the world.

Holy Souls Card Company

Yesterday, some members of our card company started to make our sacramental cards.

We have sent our business plan to Mr Kelly and have some of the materials needed to make our designs. Yesterday 23 of us mounted prayer cards and stuck decorations onto our Confirmation cards. We will continue with manufacturing next week.

Roald Dahl

This weeks literacy homework wants us to research Roald Dahl.
Click on the link below to help you to complete this task.