Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Welcome back Year 3

Here are the targets that we will be working on this half term.

MUST I can plan ideas in sections and begin to write in paragraphs.
SHOULD I can group related material into simple paragraphs.
COULD I can organise my writing into paragraphs for information, events or processes.

MUST I can explain, for example, alpha betical order, layout, diagrams, captions, different types of punctuation, hyerlinkes and bullet points.
SHOULD I can identify the basic features of organisation in different text types.
COULD I can use my knowledge of different organisational features of a text to help me find information.

To begin to understand and use the words part or fraction.
Shade half or quarter of a shape.

Should -
To begin to recognise ,read and write a half.
To recognise and use quarters of shapes. To recognise that 2 quarters is equal to one half.
To find half of an even 2 digit number

Could -
To recognise unit fractions half,quarter,tenth third.
To recognise that 5/10 = ½ and that 2/4 = ½ and be able to explain why.
To find a half, quarter of a 2 digit even number

Friday, 16 December 2011

Well done Year 3!

Well done everyone for all your hard work this term. Have a very merry Christmas and a good rest this holiday!!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

You can follow Father Christmas on Christmas Eve!

Follow this link on Christmas Eve to watch Father Christmas as he makes his huge journey all over the world.

If you look at the website over the next week and a half, it will give you Father Christmas updates!


Some Father Christmas puzzles!

Here are some links to a couple of fun Father Christmas Puzzles - see how you get on!!

Put Santa back together again jigsaw.


Christmas sliding puzzle


Sunday, 11 December 2011

A Christmassy cartoon!!

A little bit of festive fun - I used to watch this cartoon before Christmas when I was little! What have Tom and Jerry learnt by the end of the cartoon? (Remember not to click on any other links on youtube without checking with a grown up!)