Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Our Class Council Meeting

Today Year 3 talked about how we organise lunch at our school. We voted to change the order in which we go in to eat our meal. This is the result of our vote. It was a landslide!!!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Mass on Sunday

We are looking forward to seeing you all at mass on Sunday. Here you will present yourselves and sing

very clearly before the rest of the Parish.

Don't forget to be at church at 9:45 for a 10:00 am start.

Learning in Maths

We will be looking at measuring. Can you remember what these words mean: length, weight, capacity?

We will be using the link below for some of our work - so get measuring!


Next week is book week!!

Don't forget that the Book Fair is in school all week. We will visit as a class. Ask your grown ups if you can pop in one night after school. We will be talking about favourite characters in books. Who might you pick?

Thank you!!!!!

Well done to everyone in Year 3 (and the rest of the school) who supported the shoe box appeal for Operation Christmas Child. The boxes MUST be in by Monday so that they can be sent off in time for Christmas!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Look what we have been doing in maths

We have talked about a net, vertices, edges and faces. We have used a net to make a cube.