Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Next week in Literacy

Well done for writing such exciting settings this week. We have lots of great examples on our working wall.

Next week we will be looking at other settings and retelling the story.

Today we went to Middleton. Can you remember what these pictures show?

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Coming up in RE...

This week in RE we will be looking at Baptism and understanding all about this important sacrament. What do you already know?


Don't forget........ you have all got your mathletics log in.

Click on here and collect those credits!

Why not compete against children around the world?


This week in literacy we will be looking at Charlotte’s web. Why not look at the way the story has been retold on this fun site?
