Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Hosanna Rock!

Don't forget to learn your song words this weekend!! We will be practising in the hall next week with Year 4!

The Angel Gabriel appears to Elizabeth

This week we will continue our work on the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary.

How did she feel when she heard the amazing news? Here are some of the sentences you came up with!
'I felt petrified because I did not know what was happening when I saw a bright light'
'I felt special when I realised that God had chosen me.'

Maths target work

Do not forget to keep practising your timestables. Will you meet your target this half term?



Do not forget the linked division facts too:http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/851/Hitthebuttonv7.swf

Thursday, 25 November 2010

The Angel Gabriel visits Mary

This week we will start our work on Advent. Today is the first Sunday of Advent.
We will be looking at how Mary felt when the Angel Gabriel came and spoke to her.
Click on this link to a clip from Jesus of Nazareth to show when Gabriel met with Mary.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

This week in RE

Next week is the start of Advent. We will start to think this week what we do during Advent and who we are preparing for.

Well done Year 3!

Well done Year Three. You made your First Confession this morning in a very spiritual and reflective way. What a special day for 3C and 3W. Thank you and well done to your friends who helped you prepare over last week!

This week in Science

Do plants need water to grow?