Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Friday, 5 November 2010

This week in RE

This week in RE we will be looking at stories in the bible which tell us about forgiveness. We looked at the prodigal son last week, what other stories can we find out about? This video below retells one of them!

Thank you Year 3

Well done to everyone in Year 3 (and the rest of the school) who supported the shoe box appeal for Operation Christmas Child. The boxes MUST be in by Monday so that they can be sent off in time for Christmas!

This week in Maths

This is a fun fraction game to play against someone else!

The following link takes you to a fraction wall:http://www.echalk.co.uk/Maths/fractionWall/fractionWall.html

This will help us to read scales.

Next week in Literacy

This is the setting we are going to use for our myth. I need you to think of as many wow words as possible to help you to describe this scene.

Hickory Dickory Dock!

This is a fun way of checking your understanding of time - you need to get the answers right to feed the mouse with cheese. Watch out! - if you get the answers wrong, the mouse will go hungry!


Monday, 25 October 2010

Science - Do plants need leaves to grow?

We will set up this experiment on our first day back – what will we predict?

RE after half term

After half term in RE we will be looking in detail at the Prodigal Son. This story is part of our preparation for First Confession in a few weeks.

We will also be preparing this week for our Enrolment Mass on Sunday at 10:00am. (7th November)

Our First Confession meeting is coming up soon. Remember that it is straight after school at 3:00pm (11th November).