Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Saturday, 24 April 2010

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Romans Work - The Celts

In History, we will be looking at the Romans in more detail. In our next lesson, we will be learning about the celts; who they were and what they looked like.



Our next unit in Literacy is playscripts.

We will be writing a playscript about Jesus appearing on the Road to Emmaus.

What do you already know?

Reading and Writing Targets

Here are our reading and writing targets for this next half term:

Must: I can find information from sections in a text using simple signposts.

Should: I can identify and note the main points in a section/text.

Could: I can summarise the main points or facts in a text to find information in response to questions.

Must I can use capital letters and full stops when writing a sentence.

Should I can use commas to separate items in a list.

Could I can use a comma when I add detail to a sentence with a clause at the end.

Maths Targets

Here are our Maths targets for next half term:

I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 30, using +, - and x, explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.

I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 100, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.

I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 1000, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.

Have a look at this link. The first few sets of games will help us with our targets:


Saturday, 27 March 2010

The Last Supper

This week we will think about the events of the Last Supper and why it is so important. This will also help us in our preparation for our First Holy Communion.

What did Jesus say to his disciples during the last supper?