Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Sunday, 18 October 2009

Do plants need leaves to grow?

In our science lesson on Friday we talked in talk partners about what a plant needed to grow healthily. We said that plants need leaves to take in light. Plants use this light to make food.
To investigate if this is true we set up the experiment shown above. On one plant we took off all the leaves. On the other plant, we left all the leaves on. To make the test fair, we kept everything else the same.
We will leave this set up for two weeks and then observe (see) which plant looks healthier.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Times tables practice

Here are some wonderful sites to help you with your times tables. Remember we are tested each Friday on our tables.

First a great site from Woodlands Primary School in Kent

This one does exactly what it says on the tin!!

Another great site is this one where you fly over the solar system solving tables problems

Finally, we have a site where you can race against children from all over the world.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Our report on teeth

This week in literacy we will be writing a report about teeth. Can you label the kinds of teeth we have?


We will also be having a look at this link to find out information for our report.


3A Teeth Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.


This week in maths we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

Have a go at this game for a reminder of all the 2D shapes you know.


Try out these games to test your 3D shape understanding!



Sunday, 4 October 2009

Moon Maths

This week we are really getting starting on our timestables in Year 3.
The following game is great fun and helps us to practice. Focus on 2,5 and 10 timestables to start with!
http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/online/moonmaths.swf (Link does not seem to be working, but we will use it in school!)

If you fancy flying a spaceship to the moon then click below. The spaceship is powered by your timestables.



Well done to everyone and especially Year 3 for your fabulous singing in the choir today at our school mass. Thank you also to all of you who sat with your families in the congregation. Year 5 led the liturgy today, Harvest Sunday, and did a wonderful job. We will think in school tomorrow about what the gospel reading means for us.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Understanding what happens at Baptism

This week in RE we will be looking at what happened at our Baptism. We will be putting the events in order and understanding the symbols of Baptism. Tomorrow we will role play what happens at a Baptism in class. We will use RE-quest to look at the images. Have a look
