Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today we went over to church and we received ashes on our forehead. We will try to keep Lent holy by following the promses we made below.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Our Lent Promises

This year during Lent 3B will try to

  • To say one Hail Mary at the start and end of each day.
  • To raise money to support the school's charities
  • Try to eat more healthily.

In class we will think of our own promises which will make Lent a holy time of the year.

Every Lent we raise money for a number of charities. These are

  1. CAFOD
  2. Alton Castle Residential Centre
  3. Good Shepherd Appeal for Father Hudson's Homes.
  4. Marie Curie Cancer Care
  5. St Anthony's Orphanage in South Africa
  6. Birmingham Catholic Partnership appeal for schools and communities in Rwanda.

Maths is fun

This is a great site which allows you to practice all of the various different parts of maths. I would recommend you looking at the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division parts of the number section. It is good revision for you.


Friday, 20 February 2009

How to fold a t shirt

Fast Folding:How To Fold A T-Shirt In 2 Seconds - Explained

We will be using this piece of film to help with our instruction writing next term. Mr Barton has posted it now so he can find it easily next week.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Create your own hero again.

I wish I had found this a few weeks ago. Runs in the same way as the marvel site, but has more options.

Here I am. It even gives your hero a name! Have a go at creating your own and put him into your adventure.

Friday, 13 February 2009


I cannot stress how important it is to keep reading. After you have read to a grown up can you please write down in one or two sentences the key events from what you have read. This will help with your understanding of the text and make reading more enjoyable.

Half term maths

The usual target work please. Its our times tables this term. Practice upon
your tables here,


Then get mum or dad to test you.
You could always have a go on tutpup.


Remember our code is 4646780