Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Millilitres and litres

Today in our maths lesson we looked at how we can measure liquids. We found out that there are 1000ml in 1l.

Can you help the children by letting them bring into school tomorrow an empty pop bottle or container that has its capacity meaured in either ml or l. Thank you.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Photo Frames

These are the photo frames that were completed just before half term. They were left for the glue to set over the holiday.

On our return today the children have asked if they can take them home. I have suggested to them that if we wait until Christmas we can stick our calendars upon them. This way we can complete two jobs at once!

I will not tell you what the frames are made of or how they have been constructed, I will leave that to the children. Many thanks to Mrs Baresi for her help in completing these frames.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Half Term Homework.

Each child is bringing home a pack of activities based upon their maths targets for them to complete over the half term.

Also a book review is included. This is to help prepare us for our book week starting on the second week back after half term. Prizes will be awarded to those reviews which impress.

Have a safe and restful break and Mrs. Pugh and Mr. Barton will see you all in November!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Number Bonds

Our maths lesson is concentrating upon reaching our targets of knowing our number bonds to 10 and to 20.
We used the internet to find games and activities which help us move towards our target.
A good site for this practice is www.ictgames.com

Awards Assemby

Today we had our first awards assembly as members of KS2.
We all sat well and listened to Mr Kelly tell us more about the Rosary and we all prayed the Rosary together as a school.
Well done to Shona and to Sean for being awarded certificates upon their hard work.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Today we looked at the sacrament of Baptism, more specifically at the signs and symbols that are used in the sacrament of Baptism.

We role played the rite of Baptism with Charlotte and Santino as parents and Jordan and Lauren Mae as Godparents. We were all witnesses to the Baptism of Grace!

We found 6 symbols of Baptism, they were: White clothes, Sign of the Cross, Reading from the Gospel, Holy Oil, Holy Water, and a lighted candle. Ask the children if they can tell you why these symbols are used.

A report upon teeth

Today in literacy, we began to write a report about our teeth.
We looked at the different teeth that humans have and discussed the jobs that they do.
We found out that humans have three different types of teeth. They are molars, canine and incisors.

Today we looked at the molar tooth. We discussed the job they do and the shape and position and between us all we came up with:

Molar teeth are found at the back of our mouth. They are used to grind and crush our food. They are big, wide and flat and are generally cube shaped. They are flat so they can crush the food between the top and bottom teeth. The molars are bumpy and rough to help with the grinding and crushing.