Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Sunday, 14 September 2014

After school PE clubs


So far we have offered after school PE clubs for football and basketball to Year 3.  There are only 20 places available and all have now been filled. 

Places are given on a first-come-first-served basis.  Apologies for those of you that did not manage to get in this time round.  However, more places will be offered, starting in the January Spring Term.  I will advise you again as soon as places become available.  If you want to be put on a waiting list for this term (running until December 2104) , please come and see Miss Wood.

PE - striking and fielding

WOW - you are already great at catching and throwing!

This half term in PE we are concentrating on 'striking and fielding' - this means we will be improving our catching, throwing and batting skills in readiness to play the sport of rounders!

Already, we have begun to learn catching and throwing balls in different ways.  We will also be improving our hand-eye-coordination so we can strike a moving ball!  We will also learn how to 'field' so we can get our opponents out, quickly!

Are you up to the challenge?

Remember to keep full PE kits in school for Friday's and bring a drink - it's hot out there!

RE - Belonging

So far in RE we have been understanding what it means to belong to a group.  What groups do you belong to?  Who is in your group?  What is your role?

We have discovered that we all belong to our family groups, the Family of God and our Holy Schools School family group.

Do you recognise the picture above?  Where is it?  What does it tell us?

We have explored the meaning of our School Mission Statement.  What does this mean to you?


We will be understanding the choices we makeHow has Jesus taught us to make the right choices?  Do we understand when we have made a bad choice?  How can our choices effect others?


Do you like food?  Year 3 teachers love food!
I bet you have a favourite...

But do you know what food is right for you?  What do certain foods give our bodies?

To begin our Science work we will be looking at healthy eating and balanced diets.  We will then look at how food effects our bodies and look at humans and other animals.

Have you ever wondered what is under our skin?  We will be finding out this term.


Think about what you eat...
What did you have for breakfast?  What is in your lunchbox?

How does my body move?  Why are some animals different?



This half term, our Geography learning takes us all around the world, but first we need to navigate there. 
We have been looking at atlases and have learnt our compass points.  We will also be doing some map reading and treasure finding!


We will also be looking at different countries and continents around the world and comparing them to where we live.

What countires can you name?  Do you know their capital?


As part of this term's Art curriculum we will be learning about relationship portraits.  We will discover work by famous artists and use this to learn how to draw people in action, self portraits and will eventually create a relationship portrait of our own, using water colours.

Perhaps you have created a picture at home with someone special - a family member or friend?  We would love it if you could bring it in to share, as part of this topic.

Whole School Welcome Mass - Sunday, 21st September, 2014

A reminder that we are all invited to attend a Whole School Welcome Mass, at Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church on Sunday 21st September at 10a.m. 

This will be led by the newest children in our school from the Reception classes.

It is a wonderful opportunity to welcome the youngest children of our school and indeed to come together as a whole school family.

It would be great to see as many of you there as possible.