Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Look at the shape work we have been doing in maths!

On Friday

On Friday some of our health reps will be going to the Council House in Birmingham to tell the judges about our BXL project. We will explain about our Health Fayre and the role of each of the classes. Well done Year 3 this week for helping Miss Cranmer and Miss Trodden put some bits of our project together!

LIght and Shadows

Now that the weather is sunnier (hopefully) we will be doing some work on light, light sources and shadows. What do you already know?

All about Humphrey!!

Once we have read on with our new class reader we will answer the letter Humphrey has written on the back of the book. What might you ask? What you might you ask the author? We could blog a comment on her blog!




We will have a go at using both these links in maths as the week goes on!

Our faith friends make their Confirmation

We pray for our Faith Friends in Year 6 who are making their Confirmation on Monday and Tuesday.

We have been finding out about the Holy Spirit. We pray that Year 6 may be filled with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Friday 24 June 2011

Literacy - Hello Humphry!

In literacy we will be reading a new book called The World According To Humphry, written by the author Betty Birney. This week we found out a few facts about the author. Use the link to her website to see what else you can find about her and her exciting books and characters!


Saturday 18 June 2011

Why not have a look...

We have been making a whole school blog about what we have been up to during health month. Why not have a look?



Don't forget!! This weekend and next weekend you are completing a 'finding out' homework. We would like you to research Egypt today and why people go on holiday here. We will be using this in our topic work. Please bring in what you find by 27th June. Thank you!

On Friday we will think about prayer.
We will talk about times when we pray, how we pray and where we pray. This is what Year 3 last year said about prayer. What do you think?

Younis said, 'prayer is an opportunity to tell God about our life'.
Sadie said,' prayer is when we spend time on our own with god'.
Piera said ' speak to God in our own special time'.
Campbell said, ' when you feel sad and lonely, speak to God and you will probably feel better!'

Following instructions and making a TARDIS

This week we have been thinking about being time travellers and made our own Tardis.

We wrote instructions and helped each other to make them. Good work Year 3!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Pentecost Picnic

Well done to everyone who took part in our Pentecost mass and picnic today. All the readers and flag bearers did a wonderful job. The singing in the choir was also brilliant. It was lovely to see so many Year 3 children there!

Friday 10 June 2011

RE next week

We will be talking about the phrase, 'peace be with you'. What does peace mean to you? What symbols mean peace?

3C Assembly - Health Month

Don't forget to look over your part this weekend - how loudly can you read it? Remember to invite your grown ups to come and watch our assembly at 9:15am on Wednesday!

Saturday 4 June 2011

Don't forget!!

Don't forget to design your posters and logos for our Health Month and our Health Aware Fayre. We can not wait to see what you come up with!


We will be looking at sequences this week - use this link to help!


We will also be looking at this together


This week in RE

In our RE lesson this week we will use this video to help us understand the conversion of Saul. Do you already know the story?

This week in DT

This week in DT we will be tasting and evaluating BREAD. What different types of bread can you think of? Which type will we use to make our healthy sandwich?

Don't forget our Half Term Targets!

I can find information from sections in a text using simple signposts.
I can identify and note the main points in a section/text.
I can summarise the main points or facts in a text to find information in response to questions.

MustI can use capital letters and full stops when writing a sentence.
I can use commas to separate items in a list.
I can use a comma when I add detail to a sentence with a clause at the end.

I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 30, using +, - and x, explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.
I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 100, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.
I am able to solve single and multistep problems within 1000, using all four number operations ( +, - ,x and - ) explaining the methods to my talk partner and writing it in a number sentence.