Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
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Monday, 22 September 2014

Congratulations to our Year 3 Class Councillors!

Holy Souls School is a place where everyone matters...and your view counts!

Each year, we hold a School Council, where children's views are heard when it comes to what they would like to happen in school.  We have been voting for a boy and girl from each class to represent our classes when meetings are held with Mrs Girling, each half term.  A huge thank you to all of the children who put their manefesto's forward for this very responsible position.  Your votes were collected and here are the results...

Year 3 would like to say a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our new Class Councillors:

3W   Zuzanna Celmer

        Ashish Sebastian

3NS Ellie-Mae Moriarty

        Finley Fahy

Well done!
We know you will do a great job at representing your classes!


Art - portrait planning.

 <---Do you know what this is called?  We will be using these over the next few weeks to help us understand the proportions of a body as we sketch people in action.

            We will also be practising our self-portraits. 
            Can you line up your facial features?--->

Practise all kinds of maths! - web link

Practise all kinds of maths!

Here is a useful link that we have been using in our maths lessons to practise all kinds of areas of maths including addition and subtraction, and number sequences and patterns.


RE - Baptism and the Sacraments

For the next few lessons in RE we will be talking about Sacraments and what this word means.  How many Sacraments do you know?

We will start by exploring the Rites of Baptism. 

We would love it if you could bring in any memories from your Baptism; perhaps a picture, the garment you wore or the candle you received.  We will share these within the class, as we recreate a Baptism!

What do you know about the Baptism of Jesus? (Think about our Class Saint)!

Maths Link - Hit the Number Bonds!

Here is the weblink that we used last week to help with our number bonds.

You can use it for other areas of number in maths too - it caused great excitement last week!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Do you have a favourite animal?

Here in Year 3, we love animals!

By now, you will have realised that Miss Wood adores cats, her son has 2 rats and a chamelion, and Mrs Hassett loves Bichon Friche dogs!

As part of our science work, we will be looking at different animals.  We will also come across many different animals on our school trip to Ash End House Farm in October. 

We would love to know what your favourite animals are...why not bring in a drawing, picture or research on your favourite animal or pet (unfortunately, we cannot allow pets in school; otherwise Miss Wood might take them home!) 
We will also be using some of our information when it comes to data-handling maths work, later on!