Here are the targets that we will be working on this half term.
MUST I can plan ideas in sections and begin to write in paragraphs.
SHOULD I can group related material into simple paragraphs.
COULD I can organise my writing into paragraphs for information, events or processes.
MUST I can explain, for example, alpha betical order, layout, diagrams, captions, different types of punctuation, hyerlinkes and bullet points.
SHOULD I can identify the basic features of organisation in different text types.
COULD I can use my knowledge of different organisational features of a text to help me find information.
To begin to understand and use the words part or fraction.
Shade half or quarter of a shape.
Should -
To begin to recognise ,read and write a half.
To recognise and use quarters of shapes. To recognise that 2 quarters is equal to one half.
To find half of an even 2 digit number
Could -
To recognise unit fractions half,quarter,tenth third.
To recognise that 5/10 = ½ and that 2/4 = ½ and be able to explain why.
To find a half, quarter of a 2 digit even number