Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Science - Do plants need leaves to grow?

We will set up this experiment on our first day back – what will we predict?

RE after half term

After half term in RE we will be looking in detail at the Prodigal Son. This story is part of our preparation for First Confession in a few weeks.

We will also be preparing this week for our Enrolment Mass on Sunday at 10:00am. (7th November)

Our First Confession meeting is coming up soon. Remember that it is straight after school at 3:00pm (11th November).

Make your own hero!!

We have talked about our hero in Literacy. After half term we will describe our hero. Do you want to try making one of your own?

Follow these links to make a hero of your own.

or try this onehttp://www.cpbintegrated.com/theherofactory

Links to help with our maths targets

A fun website to practice your times tables (three levels)http://nwlg.org/pages/resources/ma_num/swf/y5d3a3.html

You can practice any of your times tables from x 2 up to x 10. You can double check your number bonds too!http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/851/Hitthebuttonv7.swf

Our Targets for this Half Term

Our targets for the next half term for reading will be:
MUST I can find main events, characters and information in a text.
SHOULD I can discuss plot and characters and find information from sections in a text using simple signposts.
COULD I can identify character actions and how they respond to events and note the main points in a section/text.

Our targets next half term for writing will be:
MUST I can use capital letters and full stops when writing a sentence.
SHOULD I can use commas to separate items in a list.
COULD I can use a comma when I add detail to a sentence with a clause at the end.

Our targets next half term for Maths will be:
MUST I can work out and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the related division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 & 10
SHOULD I can work out and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and the corresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or 10 up to 1000.
COULD I can work out and recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10, the corresponding division facts and multiples of numbers.

A Little Bit of Half Term fun!

Have a go at this Children in Need themed memory game.

quickly can you match the pairs?

(Remember that this game is linked to CBBC, Holy Souls are not responsible for other things on this site.)


Wednesday, 20 October 2010



We are getting better with our French conversation. Have a look at this site to help you - and surprise your grown ups!!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Measuring in centimetres

Have a look at this site for measuring in centimetres!


It's getting cold!

The weather is getting colder - remember to bring your coat to school!

Let's get measuring!

This week in Miss Wood's maths group, we will be looking at measuring. Can you remember what these words mean: length, weight, capacity?

We will be using the link below for some of our work - so get measuring!


Friday, 15 October 2010

This week in Literacy

This week in literacy we will think about myths. What is a myth? We will look at this website to plan what will happen in our stories.

We will also design our own heroes. Link to come soon.

This week in Maths

We will use this to draw graphs in class later next week


This week in RE

This week in RE, as we prepare for our First Confession we will look at the first part of the Mass. Can you explain what happens?

Next week in Literacy

Next week in Literacy we will be completing our poems for the poetry competition. Make sure that you have brought them in by Tuesday at the very latest!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Operation Christmas Child

This term, we would like to support Operation Christmas Child as a whole school project. Operation Christmas Child is the UK's largest children's Christmas appeal. Your child will have brought home a letter and leaflet explaining how you can help to support this project. Click onto the link below if you would like further details.


Monday, 11 October 2010

Science videos - new topic - PLANTS

These will help us in our new unit of Science - plants!

3B Plants Video from Simple Science on Vimeo.

3B Plants Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

This week in Maths - measuring length

Miss Wood's maths group

This week in maths we are looking at measuring length. Take a look at this to get you started.


More teeth!


Take a look at this powerpoint to 'brush up' on your knowledge about our nashers!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Video and Song about our Science Topic

3A Teeth Video from Simple Science on Vimeo.

3A Teeth Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.

Literacy and Science - writing a report on teeth

This week in literacy we will be writing a report about teeth. Can you label the kinds of teeth we have?

We will also be having a look at this link to find out information for our report.

More on 3D shapes!

Click on the link below to explore the properties of 3D shapes.http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/3d/index.htm

Help with your Times Tables

Here are some wonderful sites to help you with your times tables. Remember we are tested regularly on them!
First a great site from Woodlands Primary School in Kenthttp://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/timestable/index.html

This one does exactly what it says on the tin!!http://www.learnyourtables.co.uk/

Another great site is this one where you fly over the solar system solving tables problemshttp://www.brainormous.com/online/loader_multiflyer.html

Finally, we have a site where you can race against children from all over the world.http://www.tutpup.com/


This week in RE we will be talking about Sacraments and what this word means. How many sacraments do you know?

Understanding Baptism

This week in RE we looked at what happened at our Baptism. We put the events in order and understood the symbols of Baptism. We used RE-quest to look at the images. Have a lookhttp://www.request.org.uk/main/dowhat/baptism/infant06.htm

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Inspire Workshop - Thursday 7th October

This week is our Inspire workshop.
We will be talking about the transition to Year 3 and the important routines that we have.
We will also be discussing the Sacraments that we will make this year and the important dates that you need to know.
Our Activities will be based around our school writing targets.

We will be looking at these links - we can not wait to see you all there!

A good starting point to practice capital letters and full stops.

A good site to learn where Capital Letters have to go.

A great site to work out when to use commas:

Miss Cranmer’s group:



This week in Literacy

This week in literacy and science we will be looking at teeth. Do you know the name of any of the teeth we have or their job?

This week in Maths

These links may help you with our Maths this week!

Good for 2D shapes!
Good for 3D shapes!

This week in RE

This week in RE we will be looking at Baptism and understanding all about this important sacrament. What do you already know?