In RE this week we will think about what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus. How would you have felt if Jesus had asked you to 'put down your nets and follow me'?
This week we will look at partitioning number and our number bonds. This half term number bonds are our target.
There are lots of good sites to practice this. Click below for a great site from ictgames. This will help us all to be VERY speedy at number bonds to 20.
This week in literacy we will be looking at shape poems and calligrams. Here is an example of some calligrams. Look at them. What do you think a calligram might be?
All the pupils at Holy Souls return on Monday to their new Year group and new teachers. Year 3 we look forward to meeting you! This week in RE Year 3 will think about all the groups that they belong to and think about how important our Mission Statement is to our school.
Welcome to Year 3! Here you will find links to help you with your school work and information to help in year 3. It is a good source of information for our parents. Please use the comment button to tell how this blog is helping you with your work.