Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Our work in RE

In RE we have been talking about miracles.

This week we will be talking about the healing of the paralysed man. What do you already know about the story?


In Literacy this week we will be looking at the events of Valiant and talking about what makes a good adventure story. We will go on to plan the sequal to the film. What might happen?

Maths this week

This week in numeracy we will be moving on to data handling. Don’t forget to keep going with your time targets!



Family Mass

Well done to everyone who managed to come to parish mass today.

It was great to see so many children from year 3 in the choir and sitting in the congregation.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Holy Souls Card Company meeting 4

Today we completed our business plan.
We discussed that we need to buy, card, envelopes, shiny cover, Sacramental pictures for Holy Communion and Confirmation and labels

We talked about conducting market research (asking parents) if they would but the cards and how much they would be willing to pay. We thought about how we could sell these cards to our parents, create our own shop or bring them out at the end of the school day.

Friday, 19 February 2010


We made our class Lent promise just before we broke up for half term. We will share these in assembly on Tuesday.

This week in RE we will be looking at the story of the son of the widow of Nain.

Writing an Adventure Story

I hope that you have remembered the story of Valiant, which we watched just before half term.

We will be using the story and characters in our next unit of Literacy where we will be writing an adventure story.

Reading and Writing Targets

This half term our reading targets will be:

MUST – I can find language that an author has used to make an effect.
SHOULD – I can find and talk about the language an author has used to make an effect.
COULD – I an talk about the effect words have on the reader.

This half term our writing targets will be:

MUST – I can choose interesting words from a word bank.
SHOULD – I can use lots of adjectives and verbs to add detail.
COULD – I can add detail to give information about something I write about.

Maths Targets for this half term

This half term in maths our targets will be about time:

MUST – use vocabulary related to time and be able to read the time to the nearest quarter of an hour.

SHOULD – use vocabulary related to time and be able to read the time to the nearest minute on a 12 hour digital clock and to the nearest five minutes on an analogue clock.

COULD - use vocabulary related to time and be able to read the time to the nearest minute on a 12 hour digital clock using am and pm and read the time to the nearest minute using am and pm on an analogue clock.
We will post lots of links to help but these are a nice start. Have a go!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

European Internet Safety Day

Today at school we spoke about keeping ourselves safe online. We looked at www.thinkuknow.co.uk and we worked through some of the activities. Remember, anything that you put online stays online forever.

Would you give your name and address to a stranger?

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Adding and taking away in our heads

Last week we were looking at different ways of adding and taking away in our heads. These games are a good recap. Have a go!

For adding in our heads:

Using number lines:http://www.ictgames.com/emptyline.html

Year 3 Mass

It is our school mass on Monday afternoon. The theme is Our Lady of Lourdes and praying for those who are sick.
Year 3 have prepared and will deliver the readings and the bidding prayers.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Holy Souls Card Company Meeting 3

This afternoon our design team met and talked about what images / designs we will include in our cards.

We talked about what symbols are used for Confirmation and Holy Communion.

We also discussed buying a prayer card with the designs on.

Our ideas will go up on the Year 3 display board.

Maths World Cup

Click on the link below and have a go at beating the fastest times set by children from all over the world.

Our infomation book on plants

By Ethan

Why do plants need leaves?
To make food. They do this by taking in the sunlight.

What is the job of the root?
To hold the plant in the grond. It also takes in water from the soil.

Our Information book on plants

By Sean

Why do plants need leaves?
To make food and it does this taking in sunlight.

What is the job of the root?
To take in nutrients and water from the soil. Also to anchor the plant.

Our Information Book on plants

By Jack whelan

Why do plants need leaves? This is so it can take in light to make food
so it can keep healthy.

What is the job of the root?

Roots take in water.
When a plant grows and it is in a small pot the roots cannot spread out so it has to
be in a bigger pot.Then it has more room.

Our Information book on plants

Today in our literacy lesson, some children will write their facts on green plants and put them on the blog.

We are learning to organise our work in sections. Have a look later at what we post!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Jesus's Baptism

We will be using this video in our lesson on Friday.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Holy Souls Card Company. Meeting 2.

Meeting opened at 2.20 p.m.with thanks from Miss Cranmer for the ideas for our logo. Some will be put on display and we will vote for the best one.

Miss spoke about how we are to make the card and the different options for the designs.
We talked about what "raw materials" we need to make the card.
We suggested items such as: ribbon, glitter, felt pens, religious pictures, sequins, glue, card, feathers, plastic case for the card.

We spoke about getting religious pictures because drawing would be really hard. We decided that we might have to pay for these pictures and this would make the cost of the finished product more expensive. All of the raw materials will cost money and this will make the cost of the card more expensive.

The meeting closed at2.50 p.m.