Holy Souls Primary School

Holy Souls Primary School
If there is anything you would like to see featured on our BLOG, please send us a message!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Track Santa on Christmas Eve

As promised click on this link on Christmas Eve and follow Santa as he travels around the world delivering his gifts. There is also an interactive Advent calendar with lots of games to play.


Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Today we looked at finding fractions of shapes. We shaded in different amounts of squares, triangles and rectangles and then found out what fraction this was.

A good site to use is here

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Mary visits Elizabeth

This week in RE we will be looking at Mary's visit to Elizabeth. We will write playscripts about the event and a post card from Mary.

This is a fun link re-telling the nativity story:

Here you can make your own crib scene. In the Advent prayer bags which are going home, there is lots of information about St. Francis and the first crib:

Maths work

This week we will still be concentrating on coordinates and time in maths. We will still use the links posted in the last maths post.

These links will also help with co-ordinates:



Do not forget to keep practising your timestables. Will you meet your target this half term?




Do not forget the linked division facts too:


Friday, 4 December 2009

Our new revolving visitors

Click on the revolving map to see where in the world our visitors are from.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

One of our hero stories

Here is a story by Younis and Connie about their hero called "Penguindad"!!!

Sunday, 29 November 2009


This week we will start our work on Advent. Today is the first Sunday of Advent.

We will be looking at how Mary felt when the Angel Gabriel came and spoke to her.
Click on this link to a clip from Jesus of Nazareth to show when Gabriel met with Mary.

Maths links

This week in maths we will be looking at measuring problems and how to the tell the time. We will be using these links to help us in our lessons.
For measures and scales:

To tell the time:


What is the job of the stem and the root?

On Friday, we talked about the jobs of the stem and the root in green plants.

We planned and set up and experiement to find scientific evidence to prove this.
We put a stalk of celery (green plant) into water stained with red food colouring. We predicted that the celery will have turned red when we look at it after the weekend.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Photo Frames

The children in 3C have been working very hard all term on making their photo frames with Mrs Somers. In DT, they have spent time designing their frames and working out the best way to make a support so that the frames can stand up.

Here are the finished frames - pretty impressive!!

3B's Assembly

Well done to everyone in 3B for a brilliant assembly this morning. Mr Barton's class told the rest of the school and our grown ups all about our preparation for First Confession and why it is so important to say sorry.

Operation Christmas Child

Well done to everyone in Year 3 who supported the shoe box appeal for Operation Christmas Child. The boxes have now been dispatched and should be on their way to children around the world.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Fraction help

The following link takes you to a fraction wall:


These links take you to two games that we will be looking at together in maths this week:



First Confession

Well done to everyone in Year 3 who made their First Confession yesterday. It was a very special and reverent morning.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

How might we describe these?

What wow words can we use to describe these pictures?

Sunday, 15 November 2009


This week in Maths we will be looking back at how to add and subtract.
We will be talking about the ways that we can do this in our heads ( mentally) and by working out problems.
We will have a look at these games.

For adding in our heads:


Using number lines:

First Confession

This week we will be preparing for our First Confession on Saturday (21st November).
We will go over to Church to practice our service.

In our RE lessons, we will be looking at the story of the Lost Sheep. We will use this video to help us.

Anti Bullying Week

This week is anti bullying week. We shall be doing activities in class this week to think about what bullying means and how we can feel really safe in school.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Problems for our hero?

We are using this clip to help us to find a problem or dilemma for our hero.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Myth and legend setting

This is the setting we are going to use for our myth and legend. I need you to think of as many wow words as possible to help you to describe this scene.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

The Lost Son

This week in RE we will be looking in detail at the Prodigal Son. This story is part of our preparation for First Confession in a few weeks.

We will also be preparing this week for our Enrolment Mass this Sunday at 10:00am. (15th November)

Our First Confession meeting will be on Thursday evening (12th November).

Sorting Data

We will be looking at Venn and Carroll diagrams over the next few lessons.


This link will remind you about what you may already know!

Do plants need leaves?

We looked at the experiment we set up before half term.

The plant with no leaves was not as healthy as the one which had leaves.

What does this tell us?

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Measuring in centimetres

In our maths work we have been looking at measuring in centimetres and using a ruler correctly. have a go at this site to help.


Create your own monster.

We have been creating our own monster using the wonderful site from the New York museum. Click below to create your own monster.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Make your own hero

Follow these links to make a hero of your own.


or try this one


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Myths and Legends

In literacy our next unit will be looking at myths and legends.

We will look at this website to plan what will happen in our stories.


We will also design our own heroes. Link to come soon.

Maths Links.

A fun website to practice your times tables (three levels)

You can practice any of your times tables from x 2 up to x 10. You can double check your number bonds too!

We will use this to draw graphs in class later next week

First Confession

In our next RE lessons we will be preparing for our First Confession.

Make sure that you are learning your Act of Contrition at home. There will be an important Confession meeting on Thursday 12th November for your grown up in school at 7:00pm.

Our targets for next half term.

Our targets for the next half term for reading will be:
MUST I can find main events, characters and information in a text.

SHOULD I can discuss plot and characters and find information from sections in a text using simple signposts.

COULD I can identify character actions and how they respond to events and note the main points in a section/text.

Our targets next half term for writing will be:

MUST I can use capital letters and full stops when writing a sentence.

SHOULD I can use commas to separate items in a list.

COULD I can use a comma when I add detail to a sentence with a clause at the end

Our targets next half term for Maths will be:

MUST I can work out and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the related division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 & 10

SHOULD I can work out and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and the corresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or 10 up to 1000.

COULD I can work out and recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10, the corresponding division facts and multiples of numbers.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Half Term Homework

Over half term do not forget to do your literacy and maths homework. This needs to be brought in on the first day back ( Tuesday 3rd November).

Make sure that you keep learning your spellings and read every day.

Children in 3C - remember to learn your assembly part too!

Have a lovely half term break!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

More 3D shapes

Click on the link below to explore the properties of 3D shapes.


Sunday, 18 October 2009

Estimating and measuring

This week in maths, Miss Cranmer's group will be looking at estimating and measuring. See if you can measure the length of these lines accurately:

http://weddell.sqweebs.com/ruler/ruler_cm_easy.swf ( This one is not too tricky!)

http://weddell.sqweebs.com/ruler/ruler_cm.swf ( A little bit harder!)

Do not forget to look back at the timestable games to practice on too!

Do plants need leaves to grow?

In our science lesson on Friday we talked in talk partners about what a plant needed to grow healthily. We said that plants need leaves to take in light. Plants use this light to make food.
To investigate if this is true we set up the experiment shown above. On one plant we took off all the leaves. On the other plant, we left all the leaves on. To make the test fair, we kept everything else the same.
We will leave this set up for two weeks and then observe (see) which plant looks healthier.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Times tables practice

Here are some wonderful sites to help you with your times tables. Remember we are tested each Friday on our tables.

First a great site from Woodlands Primary School in Kent

This one does exactly what it says on the tin!!

Another great site is this one where you fly over the solar system solving tables problems

Finally, we have a site where you can race against children from all over the world.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Our report on teeth

This week in literacy we will be writing a report about teeth. Can you label the kinds of teeth we have?


We will also be having a look at this link to find out information for our report.


3A Teeth Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.


This week in maths we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

Have a go at this game for a reminder of all the 2D shapes you know.


Try out these games to test your 3D shape understanding!



Sunday, 4 October 2009

Moon Maths

This week we are really getting starting on our timestables in Year 3.
The following game is great fun and helps us to practice. Focus on 2,5 and 10 timestables to start with!
http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/online/moonmaths.swf (Link does not seem to be working, but we will use it in school!)

If you fancy flying a spaceship to the moon then click below. The spaceship is powered by your timestables.



Well done to everyone and especially Year 3 for your fabulous singing in the choir today at our school mass. Thank you also to all of you who sat with your families in the congregation. Year 5 led the liturgy today, Harvest Sunday, and did a wonderful job. We will think in school tomorrow about what the gospel reading means for us.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Understanding what happens at Baptism

This week in RE we will be looking at what happened at our Baptism. We will be putting the events in order and understanding the symbols of Baptism. Tomorrow we will role play what happens at a Baptism in class. We will use RE-quest to look at the images. Have a look


Counting on in 2,5, and 10s

Use the following links to practice counting on in steps of two, five and ten. Over the next week in maths we will be looking at our two, five and ten times tables. The first helps you with your timetable facts at speed.


The second site asks you to 'catch' the multiples of 10.


Monday, 28 September 2009

Alien addition

In our maths today, we pratciced adding two single digit numbers together. Have a go at this game.


Sunday, 27 September 2009

Charlotte's Web

We will be looking at Charlotte's Web in our visual literacy this week.

What kind of settings are used in the story? What wow words can we use to describe the settings? Take a look at the following website where you can pick the settings for the story and write what happened as a comic strip.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Monday, 21 September 2009

Being a Disciple

Over the last week in RE we have been thinking about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We read the story where Jesus picked his 12 disciples and talked about how this would have felt and what the chosen must have thought.
This afternoon we went to our first KS2 Mass in the hall on the theme of friendship. Well done Year 3 for your fabulous singing and participation!

Odd and Even

Today we looked at odd and even numbers and how to recognise them. Two sites to practice this can be found below.



Saturday, 19 September 2009

Middleton and Ash End House Farm

On Tuesday 22nd September, we will visit the village of Middleton to compare it with Acocks Green, and then we will head to the nearby children's farm at Ash End House. Further information regarding the trip will be given to the children on Monday but if you want to have a look at where we are going then click below.


Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Number bonds to 20

One of our big targets this term is to know our number bonds to 20.
There are lots of good sites to practice this. Click below for a great site from ictgames.


Friday, 11 September 2009


We will be looking at different type of teeth and how to look after our own teeth soon. Here is a video to help us get started.

3A Teeth Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Place Value

In our maths work today we were looking at place value and breaking up the HTU (partitioning) into the different parts that make up our numbers. To practice this skill click below and see how many you can get right.


Welcome to year 3

Welcome to our new year 3 group. Here you will find links to help you with your school work and information to help in year 3. It is a good source of information for our parents. Please use the comment button to tell how this blog is helping you with your work.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Welcome Back!

All the pupils at Holy Souls return tomorrow to their new Year group and new teachers.
Year 3 we look forward to meeting you!
This week in RE Year 3 will think about all the groups that they belong to and think about how important our Mission Statement is to our school.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Rama and Sita (our version)

Here is Santino's presentation based upon the story of Rama and Sita. We used powerpoint to help us to retell the story.

Monday, 29 June 2009

One World Month

Our religion for "One World Month" is Hinduism. Here is the story of Rama and Sita and how this led to the Hindu festival of light, Diwali.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Magnets and Springs

3E Magnets and Springs Video from Simple Science on Vimeo.

Here is the next topic in our science work from our friends at simple science. The song follows on below.

3E Magnets & Springs Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.

Right angles

In response to our tests last week, we have been working upon right angles in our maths lessons.
We have been using the wonderful www.learningclip.co.uk to identify and create right angles of our own.

We will have another go at the question on right angles in our test that we found hard to see if we now understand.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Summer fayre

In our summer fayre on Saturday we will be singing and dancing "We're all in this together," from High School Musical. Sing along here!

Friday, 12 June 2009

More Spelling Games

Click on the link below to go to more spelling games. These are from the BBC learning website.


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Light and shadow

3F Shadows Song from Simple Science on Vimeo.

This is the song we were listening to in todays science lesson.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Please vote for us

Please follow this link and vote for Holy Souls (we are at the bottom).

Thank you

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Light and Shadow

Have a go at this activity it will help you to get a head start on our topic for this term.

Carroll Diagrams

Today we looked at sorting 3D shapes using a carroll diagram.
We looked at each shape and decided if it had the correct property to go into the correct box.
We used www.learningclip.co.uk and then we clicked upon year 3 block C unit 2 f.

Improving sentences.

Today we looked at improving our sentences by using better openers. We showed how we could use ----ing -----ly words to improve basic sentences.

Here is a program which starts with a simple sentence then it grows and becomes more complex the more times you click on it.


Sunday, 17 May 2009

Book reviews

We are at the moment reviewing our class reader "The world according to Humphrey." We have looked at other books that Betty Birney has written and we have described what Humphrey is like.
Here is a review from amazon.
Another review from an American site.

Do you think our reviews are better? Why?

Thursday, 14 May 2009

First Holy Communion

On Saturday 16th May the children in Year 3 will make their first Holy Communion. It marks the end of a long period of preparation in which the children have worked very hard indeed.

We have visited Alton Castle in Staffordshire on a day retreat which was very enjoyable and a first for year 3.

We look forward to Saturday.

Monday, 4 May 2009

We have made it...

... onto a the list of Humphrey's handlers. Humphrey has sent us a message also.
Click on the link and see if you can find us in the official list of Humphrey's friends.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Roman Soldiers Web Trail

Open up another internet window. (Click on the line on the top right of the screen. This will minimise your screen. Click on my internet and log into your blog.) Here you can record your answers and any research that you do.

Use these links below to find out about the life of a Roman Soldier.
Try to answer these questions.
1. How long did the soldiers stay in the army?
2. What is a legion?
3. What is the name of a Roman soldiers weapons?
4. Write some of the things that they were expected to do?




What questions would you ask a soldier in the Roman Army.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Separating materials

Today we have been looking at separating different sized materials. We had a mixture of rice, buttons and cotton reels.

We separated these materials by using different sized sieves. The sieves only let through it things that are small enough to go through the holes.

We then poured the mixture through the sieve.

As you can see the cotton reels were left. We then sieved the rest of the mixture through a smaller sieve.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Silent Letters Invasion Game

Click below to have a go at the space invasion game from the BBC skillswise site. Its based upon recognising silent letters in words. Choose an easy and slow level to get used to it first of all. Then try to save the world from an alien invasion.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

New resources for keeping your child safe online.

Even though this site is designed for primary school staff it carries an important message which all parents and carers need to know about keeping our children safe online. Here is what it says about itself -

"Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools has been especially designed for primary school staff to help them understand important E-safety issues and how to help young pupils get the most out of the internet."


Friday, 24 April 2009

Great Maths Games

Follow this link to play some great maths games against children from all over the world.


Let me know what you think by clicking on the comment link below.

Our Easter Garden

Before we broke up for Easter, Father David our parish priest gave us a challenge of creating our own Easter Gardens. As always the children rose to the challenge. Here are a few of those we have in school.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Our Palm Sunday Interview.

I know that it is a long time ago but here is one of the finished interviews with an eyewitness that the children completed using www.xtranormal.com

Betty Birney Website

Today we looked at the website for Betty Birney. She is the author of the Humphrey stories that we are reading in class at the moment.
We searched for a number of facts about Betty Birney and in class we will be creating a factfile about her life and her work.
Have a look at the site by clicking upon http://www.bettybirney.com/

Can you answer these questions?

Which schools did Betty go to?
What book did Betty write first?
How many Humphrey books are there?
What is the name of the latest Humphrey book?
What are the names of her husband and children?
What is the name of Betty's dog?

You could answer these questions through the site and send them to me by clicking upon the comments link just underneath.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The world according to Humphrey Chapter 5

In chapter 5 we saw Humphrey work with Mr Morales to try to get the children to calm down and work together. He had a great idea of pretending to go missing and getting Willy and Brenda to help find him. This worked really well and the children not only found Humphrey but managed to work together.

He also gave Aldo his friend information about the moonlighters club, a club for people who work at nights. A very busy hamster indeed.

Friday, 3 April 2009

How safe are you on the internet?

Here a a good site to look at and follow. Even though it is aimed at KS1 it still contains very useful information to help you to stay safe while you are online. Click below to have a look.


Monday, 30 March 2009

Palm Sunday. An eye witness account

Here is an interview with an eye witness to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. It was made through http://www.xtranormal.com/ . You will need to sign up if you wish to use it. ASK AN ADULT TO HELP.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Rocks and soils investigation

Today we tested different rocks to see if they are permeable. (What does that mean?) Have a go at the activity here to carry out some more tests upon different rocks.

Year 3 Maths Workshop.

Here are some maths links for you to explore during and after our Maths Workshop.

A space game based around knowing your times tables.


Here is a basic skills site which the childen use. It puts them against children from all over the world.


Does exactly what it says on the tin!!


Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Describing Rocks.

This afternoon we looked at described different types of rocks.

Can you recognise these rocks from the work you did today?

Symmetrical Patterns

We have been looking at reflecting a shape across a mirror line.

Here is a wonderful site where you can create patterns which come to life. I wonder how many mirror lines you can find in these shapes?


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Next weeks spellings

The spellings for next week are

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Myths and Legends

This is a great site for reading and listening to myths and legends, mostly from Britain. It is well worth a look.


Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Number bonds and a bit more..

... to help you to reach your targets.


You could play some spelling games on spelling city.


Practice to get the basics right. Remember to write in your blog about your reading book. Who would you recommend your book to and why?

Time Activities

Here is a link for some more time activities. This is a bit more interactive than just looking at the clock. Let me know what you think!


Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Telling The Time

Today we had a go at changing the time from analogue(clock face) into digital. We found that we could count in 5s to help us find how many minutes past the hour the larger hand has gone.
To practice we can click on the moveable clock on the post below.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Clock Face

Use the big clock below to practice telling the time. Look at times involving the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We must know this and be able to recognise these times on a clock.


Move the clock round by clicking upon the buttons on the right and see how the hands of the clock move around together to tell the time.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Fun for the brain

This is site for pupils in the USA. Click on the link and it will take to a range of games to support your English and Maths. Have fun.


Friday, 6 March 2009

Times table test

Every Friday we have a times table test and if we manage to score 96 or above we receive a certificate and more onto the next level. Practice your tables so you are ready to take the test here.


Thursday, 5 March 2009

We're all in this together

In our dance lesson today we were working upon "We're all in this together" from High School Musical. In our two sessions so far we have learnt a routine for the verses. Now we can begin to work upon the chorus which we can see here. We should be ready to put it all together ready for just before Easter.

Venn diagrams

In our maths this week we have been looking at handling data. Today we moved onto sorting information into a venn diagram. Here two criteria are chosen to help us to sort through different mathematical data. Have a go at this Venn diagram below.

Can you explain why you have placed the items in the hoops?

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Rocks and soils

Today we began our new science topic of rocks and soils. We started with a discussion about rocks and what we think rocks are including some of the names of rocks and soils.
Click on the link below to get a head start on the topic.


Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The world according to Humphrey. Chapter 4.

Today we read that Humphrey was taken home by the headteacher of Longfellow school, Mr. Morales. This happened because some of the other teachers had suggested taking Humphrey but made an excuse not to. Mr Morales stepped in saying that he had always wanted a hamster. However the most important man in the school wasn't the most important man in his house. His two children didn't listen to him when he told them to be careful with Humphrey and his wife didn't seem too happy when he brought Humphrey home.

Humphrey though had a plan!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Make your sentences better.

This is a good programme. You start with a very simple sentence. Before you click anywhere, think how you could up-level it (make it more complex). Then click on a part of the sentence and watch it become more and more interesting.

Can you write any sentences like that?

A new Humphrey website

Many thanks to Kieran who has found this website so we can enjoy our class reader even more.


Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today we went over to church and we received ashes on our forehead. We will try to keep Lent holy by following the promses we made below.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Our Lent Promises

This year during Lent 3B will try to

  • To say one Hail Mary at the start and end of each day.
  • To raise money to support the school's charities
  • Try to eat more healthily.

In class we will think of our own promises which will make Lent a holy time of the year.

Every Lent we raise money for a number of charities. These are

  1. CAFOD
  2. Alton Castle Residential Centre
  3. Good Shepherd Appeal for Father Hudson's Homes.
  4. Marie Curie Cancer Care
  5. St Anthony's Orphanage in South Africa
  6. Birmingham Catholic Partnership appeal for schools and communities in Rwanda.

Maths is fun

This is a great site which allows you to practice all of the various different parts of maths. I would recommend you looking at the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division parts of the number section. It is good revision for you.


Friday, 20 February 2009

How to fold a t shirt

Fast Folding:How To Fold A T-Shirt In 2 Seconds - Explained

We will be using this piece of film to help with our instruction writing next term. Mr Barton has posted it now so he can find it easily next week.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Create your own hero again.

I wish I had found this a few weeks ago. Runs in the same way as the marvel site, but has more options.

Here I am. It even gives your hero a name! Have a go at creating your own and put him into your adventure.

Friday, 13 February 2009


I cannot stress how important it is to keep reading. After you have read to a grown up can you please write down in one or two sentences the key events from what you have read. This will help with your understanding of the text and make reading more enjoyable.

Half term maths

The usual target work please. Its our times tables this term. Practice upon
your tables here,


Then get mum or dad to test you.
You could always have a go on tutpup.


Remember our code is 4646780

Monday, 9 February 2009

Internet Safety Day

February 10th January is world internet safety day. So today is a good time to show what we do with the children to keep them safe and help them to use the internet to help them to learn and become internet literate.

An excellent website is the think you know site,


Here the children are placed into different situations and are asked to decide what to do, giving information on how to stay safe online.

The parents site is here and gives guidance on how to keep children safe while they use technology at home and outside of school.


Thursday, 5 February 2009

The Romans internet trail.

Use the BBC site on the Romans to help you to answer the questions in your pack.

Click on the link below to take you straight to the site.


Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Paul O Brien Bullying worshop

Today Paul O Brien visited Year 3 and spoke to us about bullying. We collected some words and feelings about bullying, and as Paul is a song writer, he put all of our words into a song about a bully who changes his ways.

The song we wrote together is called "Together we can shine."

Myth legend opening.

Today we planned the opening to our legend. We discussed the setting which we agreed to be New York, and thought about the sights and sounds that the children might come across at night. Then we placed our hero into that setting and tomorrow we will write up the opening paragraph of our story which will lead us into the main part and the meeting with the evil villain.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

The world according to Humphrey

Chapter Two

Today we read the second chapter of our book. In it we found out more about Mrs Brisbane. What she is like and how she teaches. She also left Humphrey in school over night. Would you like to be left alone in your classroom after every one has gone? Luckily Humphrey found a new friend in the caretaker called Aldo Amarto, who shared his dinner with Humphrey.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Create your own superhero

In our literacy we have been looking at the qualities of heroes. We had to describe and create our own hero. Many of the children created a new superhero. So we looked at the marvel comic site and we were able to produce our own superhero using their template.
Have a go at creating a new one at


Remember the school is not responsible for the content of other sites.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Je m'appelle funny bear

Je m'appelle funny bear je mappelle funny bear je m'appelle funny funny funny funny funny bear J'ai un p'tit ventre mou et un slip kangourou

These are the words for the song "My name is Funny Bear." Try to put your name into the song and you will be saying in French "My name is ________."

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

The world according to Humphrey

Today we started our reader, "The world according to Humphrey," by Betty G Birney.

We read the first chapter which introduced us to Humphrey, Ms Mac and Mrs Brisbane. We found out that Humphrey loved Ms Mac because she took him on a number of adventures. Mrs Brisbane doesn't like hamsters. So Humphrey promised himself that he would escape.

To find out more about the author click upon her website to explore her other books and characters.


Maybe you could create a folder or factfile about the author. Her books, hobbies, how she writes or even write a story about Humphrey in our class. You could even send that story to her!

Next weeks spellings...

...are available on www.spelltube.co.uk

Only half have been out up so you will need your book as well to learn your words this week.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Roman Britain

Today we started our topic upon Roman Britain. We began by looking at a Celtic village.
Have a look at this site to get more information about the Celts.


Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Place Value

Today in our maths lesson we looked at splitting numbers into HTU. We took 252 and we broke it into 200+50+2. We spotted where the hundreds were and identified the value of the tens and the units. We also played a place value game which you can find here.


Welcome back

Our new spellings are available to see and practice on www.spelltube.co.uk.

We also began our new class reader The world according to Humphrey by Betty G. Briney. Expect to see and do some work upon this acclaimed book.